Dewayne Hopson is an attorney in Clarksdale, MS. This article is for informational purposes only and by reading this article you acknowledge this general information should not be construed as legal advice.
If you are injured? Why it is important to go to the doctor for your injuries after a accident?
If your injured and plan on getting compensated for your injures, going to the Doctor for your injuries is very important. It is important to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong with you and that your injuries can be documented. Insurance companies, more often than not, will not pay for injuries that are not documented. You can’t just say, “Hey I’m insurance Company, I’m hurt from your bad driver can you pay me for my injuries?” Without documentation, they will not give you much. I have had clients who want me to represent them for their injuries after an accident, but they have not been to the doctor yet for a checkup.
Documentation = Proof!
Documentation equals proof. Just because you say your back I’d hurting it not enough. There must be some type of proof of your injury. You have to go to the doctor and have that injury diagnosed, documented and most importantly receive treatment for that injury. Although Lawyers are great at investigation and collecting facts to prove your case, we are not magicians. We can’t simply create facts. Despite what you see on TV, most lawyers do not lie. Well in my short time as a lawyer, I’ve haven’t meet one that straight up lies. (Yet)
I always recommend my clients to go to the doctor even if they don’t feel like they are injured just to make sure they are completely healthy after an accident. Sometimes after car accidents people feel find until a day or two later than they start to experience some pain from the accident. If you feel some type of pain after an accident, don’t walk it off, go get it check out. As the age old saying goes, “its better safe than sorry!” However, I never tell clients to go back more than once unless they are instructed to by the doctor.
Don’t Milk Doctor Extra Doctor Visits
On the contrary, I never advise clients to go to the doctor for the sake of going to the doctor either. If you go to the doctor multiple times, insurance companies will try not to pay for all of those visits if you don’t have any serious injuries. Furthermore, I don’t promote lying about your injuries just to get a settlement check. If your case goes to litigation, we will have to prove that those extra visits were really warranted. People will see the B.S in court.
At Hopson Law Group we represent clients who are having a tough time dealing with insurance companies. You can reach us at
662-624-4100 to set up an appointment for a free consultation!